Irreplaceable Coach

Learn how to attract an endless line of your ideal coaching clients. Starting September 1st 2019.

"There's nothing like this anywhere else, online or offline."
If you are committed to serving your coaching clients and making a positive impact on their lives, then this course will help you reach them, get their attention and connect with them.
This isn't a cakewalk. This is hard and it will require some real up front work from you. That is a good thing. If it was easy everyone would be doing it.

If it's right for you, I hope you'll take a step to becoming an Irreplaceable Coach by joining here.

If you want to learn more you can join my webinar that will help you with some of the basics of building your coaching practice, and explain more about this course.

Hint: There's also a pretty great discount at the end if you listen to the whole webinar [about ~19 minutes].

Click here to join the webinar.

What You’ll Learn in the Irreplaceable Coach Course

The Irreplaceable coach course is broken up into 10 core lessons.

Each lesson will guide you to find out who your real customers are and how to reach them in the most effective way possible. Taking this course will put control over your coaching business into your hands. If you apply the lessons you learned here, your coaching practice will start to improve. Before you know it, you’ll have your perfect clients coming directly to you, and ready to pay the rates you set.

Here’s how it works:

  • Foundations Module

I see a lot of people wanting to know the best tactics to get more Instagram followers, more engagement on their videos and tricks on how to get people to take the action you want. Before any tactical talk, you need to know the foundations that will allow your coaching service to thrive even when the tactics don’t work anymore.


Who are the right people and how do you know? More importantly, how do they know that you are the right person to help them


When you know your perfect customer, how they think and what their hopes and dreams are, they will feel seen by you and want to choose you.


Do you have unrealistic promises that you can never live up to? Does your promise resonate with the people you want to serve?


What is holding you back from taking your coaching business to the next level? It’s not just a lack of clients, a big part of it is yourself. Fix this for yourself, and you can fix it for others.

  • Use Their Words

Coaching is an art, and if you are a coach that means you are an empathetic and creative person. Understanding how you, your coachees and your potential clients talk about what you do is essential for bringing the right kind of people to you, and showing them why you’re worth every penny and more of your asking price.

You’ll learn how to use words that resonate with your clients here:


How do you write words that resonate with your audience? This lesson is so critical as it will get you on the path to writing words your perfect client loves.


If you look like an amateur online, you’ll attract amateurs who don’t want to pay you what you’re worth. I’ll show you how to use storytelling to maximum effect.


Are your clients excited to recommend you to others publicly? This lesson will show you how to get rave reviews that are the ultimate social proof.

  • Connecting with Your People

Now that we know who our ideal customer is and how to use words that connect with them deeply, now you’ll want to bring them to you. Content creation, offering value and consistently showing up to serve your people will be critical to getting consistent clients and referrals.

You’ll learn this through the following three lessons:


Giving generously means showing up and providing more value than is expected. It works and it’s a great way to buid your coaching business.


What kind of content is your ideal client looking for? This lesson will be all about how to make content that brings you the right kind of attention.


In the last lesson you’ll learn how to find the perfect tools to connect with your people. Where do they “hang out” both offline and online, and what will they react positively to?

Your Instructor

Charles Moritz
Charles Moritz

I’m a coach just like you.

I started coaching in 2016 after I launched my website Live Work Play Japan.

I had seen so many people just like myself coming to Japan with big dreams, but then getting stuck in low paying jobs that didn’t value them. I had worked my way up into great jobs that paid me very well and that required far less of my time, so I wanted to share how I did that to help others to do the same.

I started my website initially to help people like me, but it grew into something much bigger than I expected. Now I get tens of thousands of hits per month and a constant stream of potential coaching clients who are excited to connect with me as an authority in my niche.

Government agencies supporting startups have paid me to come and speak, and I have digital marketing clients who saw my success on Facebook and Google (SEO) who hired me to help them do the same.

I’m not saying any of this to brag, as I know I still have a long way to go to make the impact I want to make. It took me years to get good enough at this to charge the kind of rates that allowed me to keep doing this work that I care so much about. But it doesn’t have to take you years. You could do it in just 10 structured and thought-provoking lessons.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts September 1st and you can complete it at your pace.
How long do I have access to the course?
There's no time limit for the course but I'd recommend that you try to complete it within a month. If it takes a lot longer you'll lose momentum.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Please reach out to me if you are unhappy with the course. If you have followed the action points and haven't found it useful for your business, I'd really like to know why and how I can help you figure it out.

If you want to learn more you can join my webinar that will help you with some of the basics of building your coaching practice, and explain more about this course.

Hint: There's also a pretty great discount at the end if you listen to the whole webinar [about ~25 minutes].

Click here to join the webinar.

Get started now!